Program at a glance

Please see below a brief outline of ATEC's ACT, NSW & SEQ Trade Engagement Event. We encourage you to continue to monitor this page as further details are confirmed and added in the lead up to the event. 

For a list of event venues for the various program elements please click here.

Day One: Tuesday 21st March 2023

Event:Time/LocationWho attends?
New Product Pitch Forum
(dependent on delegate numbers)
Sydney CBD - afternoon eventAll ATEC buyer delegates and
new product sellers (by invitation only)
Welcome FunctionSydney CBD - evening eventAll delegates

Day Two: Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Event:Time/LocationWho attends?
Business-to-business (B2B) meetings
Sydney CBD - full day eventATEC buyer and seller members
Happy hour drinks Follows the B2B meetingsATEC buyer and seller members
Hosted buyer functionSydney CBD - evening eventATEC buyer members

Additional Information

  • TRAVEL - As a general guide for those travelling from outside Sydney/ interstate please see indicative travel timelines below*: 
    • Buyers: please aim to arrive the morning of Tuesday 21st March to attend the New Product Pitch Forum and Welcome Function. Please plan to depart after the conclusion of the Buyer only function, late evening Wednesday 22nd March. 
    • Sellers who are involved in the New Product Pitch Forum: please aim to arrive the morning of Tuesday 21st March to attend New Product Pitch Forum and Welcome Function. Please plan to  depart at your leisure after the Welcome Function.
    • Sellers who are not participating in the New Product Pitch Forum: please aim to arrive during the afternoon of Tuesday 21st March to attend the Welcome Function that evening. Please plan to  depart at your leisure after the Happy Hour Drinks at the conclusion of the B2B.
  • B2B Meetings - will occur for a full day on Wednesday 22nd March. We anticipate that there will be up to 40 meeting opportunities throughout the day. Meetings will be 10 minutes with a 1-minute changeover. Furthermore, please note
    • The number of appointments you receive cannot be guaranteed, this is just the maximum number of meetings one can obtain. 
    • Depending on delegate numbers, you may be asked to electronically submit your preferences in advance  for who you would like to meet with (i.e. buyers will preference the sellers they would like to meet with, and sellers will preference the buyers they would like to meet with). 
      • If you are asked to complete preferencing, a system generated meeting schedule will then be created and sent to you ahead of the event. 
      • Your meeting schedule will be formulated based on the preferences you submitted in advance and in turn the preferences of the buyers who selected to meet with you. Please note the number of preferences you submit in advance may not necessarily correlate to the total number of appointments you receive. 
      • Preferencing will commence once full delegate registrations close. We anticipate this will be in September and you will receive further information at this time. 
    • If you have any questions regarding this process please contact
*Please note the above is subject to change until the official event program has been finalised. 

© Australian Tourism Export Council 2023