New product seller registration options are below. Please note all prices are listed excluding GST.
To ensure we are able to accept as many products as possible to participate in the event, companies must strictly adhere to registering only one delegate to attend the event.
To participate in the event your business will need to be trade ready and invited by ATEC or an aligned destination marketing agency (e.g. LTO, RTO or STO). If you have any questions regarding your membership status contact
Please note the program for this event will be dependent on registrations received.
A new product seller registration includes the following:
Please note, all seller delegates are required to facilitate their own accommodation, transfer and flight arrangements/bookings. Accommodation industry rates in Sydney from partner hotels will become available in due course and will be published on the event website.
To view the event terms and conditions including the cancellation policy click here.
*Please note the above is subject to change until the official event program has been finalised.
© Australian Tourism Export Council 2023